The mission of the Atlanta ISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is to ensure that all children in the AISD, grades PK-12, have healthy bodies and minds through health education, healthy practices, and modeling of good health behaviors.
The goal of the School Health Advisory Council is to make recommendations to Atlanta ISD decision-makers regarding:
Section One: Statute and Policy
Each school district in the State is required in Chapter 28, Subchapter A-K, and Chapter 38.013 of the Texas Education Code, to establish and maintain a school health advisory council. The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) of the Atlanta Independent School District (AISD) is specifically authorized by the Board of Trustees in District policy.
Section Two: Limitation
The SHAC shall be an advisory body, and shall serve to provide guidance, recommendations, and other assistance to the Board of Trustees, as is specifically listed in state law and District policy. The SHAC shall have no power to expend public funds, enter into contracts, or otherwise place obligation or liability upon the district.
Section Three: Bylaws
It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Trustees, upon the advice and counsel of the SHAC, to establish and amend the Bylaws.
According to state law, District policy, and the direction of the Board of Trustees, the SHAC shall have the following responsibilities:
A. To hold regular meetings.
B. To meet periodically with the Board of Trustees.
C. To provide advice and recommendations/counsel prior to decisions pertaining to the areas of health education curriculum appropriate for specific grade levels that may include a coordinated school health program designed to prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease, and Type II diabetes through coordination of: health education, physical education, nutritional services, parental involvement, staff wellness, environmental health, mental/emotional wellness, and health services.
D. To consult regularly with the superintendent and his/her administration regarding the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the district coordinated school health program.
E. To consult with the Superintendent and his/her administration in advance of submitting issues, concerns, reports, and recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
F. To advise and consult with the district in the development of a comprehensive health education curriculum.
G. To provide a written annual report to the Board of Trustees on or before June 30 of each year.
Section One: Regular Meetings
The SHAC shall conduct a minimum of four regular meetings per year. The regular meeting in September shall be considered the first meeting for the year.
Section Two: Public Hearings
The Board of Trustees, in advance of such meetings, shall approve public hearings and other meetings with the public.
Section Three: Open Meetings
All meetings of the full SHAC shall be open to the public, and the public shall have reasonable opportunity to provide comment.
Section Four: Quorum
A quorum shall be the majority of the current membership, as approved by the Board of Trustees. Meetings may still be held without a quorum for purposes of presentations or discussion. However, no actions or voting may take place without a quorum.
Section Five: Attendance
The Chair will monitor member attendance and try to resolve any attendance problems. Non-attendance for three consecutive meetings within a one-year period may result in removal.
Section Six: Decision-making
Members shall attempt to reach decisions by consensus. However, if a clear consensus cannot be obtained, members shall reach a decision by majority vote. Each member shall be entitled to one vote per item. Proxy voting and absentee ballots shall not be permitted; a member must be present to vote.
Section Seven: Agendas
Agendas shall be provided for all full SHAC meetings. The Chair, in consultation with the Executive Committee and Coordinator, shall determine agenda items.
Section One: Membership Criteria
The membership composition of the SHAC shall comply with the following:
A. Parents must live within the district, and must be a custodial parent or guardian of a student currently enrolled in the AISD.
B. The majority of the SHAC membership will consist of parents of students currently enrolled in the District, who are not employed by AISD.
C. The Board of Trustees may also appoint one or more persons from each of the following groups: teachers, administrators, district students, healthcare professionals, business community, law enforcement, senior citizens clergy, and nonprofit health organizations.
D. A minimum of two high school students from AISD shall serve on the committee.
E. Membership of the SHAC shall strive to reflect the geographic, ethnic, gender and economic diversity of the District.
F. The Superintendent or designee shall serve in an ex-officio (non-voting) capacity.
G. A representative of the Board of Trustees shall serve in an ex-officio (non-voting) capacity.
Section Two: Terms of Service
The term of service for an appointment shall be two years, normally beginning the first SHAC meeting in September. Members may serve up to five (5) two-year terms before taking a year off. Can be reappointed to council after one (1) year.
Section Three: Confirmation by Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall annually appoint all members to the SHAC.
Section Four: Vacancies
The Board of Trustees delegates to the SHAC Executive Committee the responsibility to fill any vacancies that may occur after the Board has annually appointed the SHAC membership.
Section Five: Conflict of Interest
No individual shall be nominated for or hold a position on the SHAC if that individual has a direct pecuniary interest in the recommendations of that committee and decisions by the Board of Trustees. Even the appearance of a conflict of interest should be avoided if at all possible. A lone agenda item shall not be cause for the elimination of an individual’s membership; however, any such individual shall refrain from participation in decisions and voting as to that issue.
Section Six: The Role of the Superintendent
The Superintendent and SHAC will work cooperatively. The Superintendent will ensure staff support as is necessary and reasonable and may participate without vote in the deliberations and activities of the SHAC.
Section Seven: Role of the Board Representative
The role of the Representative of the Board of Trustees is to observe without vote in deliberations and activities of the SHAC.
Section Eight: Size of Council
The SHAC will consist of no more than 30 appointed members and no less than 12 members.
Section One: Terms of Service
The SHAC shall elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary, each to serve two-year terms. Officers may not serve more than two consecutive terms. Officers will be selected in May or June and installed at the first August meeting of the SHAC. No officer shall be an employee of the AISD.
Section Two: Responsibilities
A. The responsibilities of the Chair shall be to:
B. The responsibilities of the Vice-Chair shall be to:
C. The responsibilities of the Secretary shall be to:
Section One: Membership
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and chairs of any standing committees.
Section One: Ad Hoc Committees
The Chair may establish and appoint Ad Hoc committees, as he/she deems necessary and appropriate in consultation with the Executive Committee.
The Director of Health Services shall serve as the Coordinator for the SHAC.
Responsibilities of the Coordinator shall include:
A. Ensuring that adequate facilities arrangements and staff support are secured for all meetings.
B. Providing members and support staff with agendas and background materials prior to meetings.
C. Serving as custodian of all SHAC records.
D. Promoting public awareness of the SHAC and maintaining a database of persons interested in service as SHAC members.
E. Informing the Chair of member vacancies and attendance problems.
F. Provide staff support in the development and submission of SHAC’s annual report.
G. Informing the Chair and General Counsel of possible member conflicts of interest.
H. Providing such other assistance as requested in accordance with the SHAC authorizing statute, district policy, and the direction of the Board of Trustees.