The mission of Atlanta ISD School Health Services is to strengthen and facilitate the educational process and to improve academic performance through improving and protecting the health status of all students.
If your child has a special health care need or chronic health condition, please get in touch with your child’s school nurse. Each campus in AISD has a full-time registered nurse.
Jennifer Christian
Atlanta High School
Karen DeLay
Atlanta Middle School
Shawna Engle
Atlanta Elementary School
Crimson Tyson
Atlanta Primary School
State law requires school districts to annually assess the physical fitness of students enrolled in grades 3-12 and to provide the results of individual student performance on the administered physical fitness assessments to the TEA. The Physical Fitness Assessment Initiative (PFAI) is a program designed to collect and analyze the required student physical fitness data. TEA aggregates the physical fitness data collected for the PFAI and provides a report to the legislature. Identifying information is removed to protect student privacy.
Coordinator of Health Services, Jennifer Christian
Anaphylaxis Risk
AISD Guidelines and Forms
Seizure Disorder
Drug testing consents may only be rescinded in writing; the parent or guardian must meet with the principal or school nurse to accomplish this.
Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements
Life-Threatening Allergic Reactions During the School Day
Anaphylactic reactions are severe and life-threatening allergic reactions that require immediate treatment. In accordance with Chapter 38.212 of the Education Code Subchapter E, and local policy, Atlanta ISD will have auto-injectable epinephrine (unassigned/stock epinephrine) at each school campus, including the DAEP campus. Epinephrine is to be administered by a school nurse or a designated employee authorized and trained in the administration of epinephrine to anyone believed to be having an anaphylactic reaction while on school premises during the academic day. The school’s emergency stock of unassigned epinephrine does not replace student-specific orders and does not extend to activities off school grounds (including transportation to and from school, field trips, etc.) or outside of the academic school day (sporting events, extracurricular activity, etc.). For children diagnosed with an allergy/health condition that requires the use of injected epinephrine, it is the parent’s responsibility to provide the child’s epinephrine auto-injector and medical orders to the school nurse on or before the first day of class. For more information, contact the District’s coordinator of school health services.